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Physician Acknowledgement

Central Minnesota Health Network
Physician Acknowledgement

(Participating Provider Agreement Summary)

Central Minnesota Health Network (CMHN) seeks to create a clinically integrated multi-provider network of physicians to support CMHN's goal of enhancing population health within the communities served. This summary outlines the responsibilities for CMHN and its participating physicians in achieving this goal.

Participating Physicians

  • Cooperate with CMHN initiatives to ensure the practice of evidence-based, cost-effective, quality care that enhances the health of patients.
  • Provide quality care to all patients without discrimination and in accordance with accepted standards of practices.
  • Consistent with their needs, refer patients to other in-network providers to ensure appropriate coordination and management of care.
  • Advocate for patients by working cooperatively with other network providers, ensuring strong communication and consultation, continuity of care and coordination of benefits.
  • Serve on committees to ensure physician input and leadership on CMHN activities.
  • Attend and participate in physician meetings to understand CMHN activities, developments and performance.
  • Participate in developing and implementing clinical integration initiatives, clinical and care protocols.
  • Provide patient clinical data to CMHN to support coordination of care and benefits, and to ensure compliance with clinical guidelines and quality initiatives.
  • Maintain privileges on the medical staff of any CMHN member health system.

Central Minnesota Health Network

  • Negotiate and execute population health management contracts with third parties that are beneficial to physicians and that support value based health care.
  • Develop the infrastructure for successful care coordination with physician input.
  • Support and respect the physician in providing services and managing his or her patients in the context of evidence-based best practices.
  • Incorporate physician input into establishing clinical collaboration structures, developing clinical performance standards and protocols, quality initiatives and other activities affecting the provision of care.
  • Promote physician leadership through participation in CMHN governance.
  • Provide necessary support to help physicians understand and interpret summary patient data, implement and comply with clinical guidelines, disease management and other quality improvement efforts.
  • Assist physicians with necessary information technology support to ensure timely sharing of patient clinical data.
  • Work with participating physicians to develop and manage performance incentive programs.
  • Provide timely, transparent, relevant and meaningful communication about CMHN quality programs, practice improvement and payer initiatives.